Monday, July 27, 2009

Faith Reflections: God Looks at our Hearts

Read 1 Samuel 16:1-13

In today's world it is so easy to be down on ourselves because we tend to compare our lives with other people's lives... if we aren't famous like one of our favorite movie stars or rock stars, or if we aren't as pretty or good looking as we think one of our friends is or if we don't have a car like one of our friends has... well, you get the picture... sometimes we feel less about ourselves because we don't measure up to what our society says is the measure of success: beauty, fame and fortune...

In Samuel's time, it was thought by people that good looks and wealth meant that God favored some people more than others... and when Samuel is sent to anoint Israel's new king, he saw Jesse's oldest son and just knew that this had to be the one that God would choose, because he was tall and good looking...

But that was not the case... in verse 7 we read: "...The LORD doesn't see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.'"

In fact, God's choice for Israel's new king was the youngest son, David... the one about whom it is said that he was a "man after God's heart".

Don't look down on yourself because you don't measure up to the world's standards... instead know that the LORD knows your heart and loves you!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

some like it hot...

it seems that even the muppets like it hot once in awhile!!

Video Link

Saturday, July 18, 2009

untitled new post...


seeking God...

Vacation Bible School at our church this summer was titled "Camp E.D.G.E." where the word "edge" was an acronym for "Experiencing and Discovering God Everywhere".  I kept thinking that it should have stood for "Experiencing and Discovering God Everyday"...  but it really doesn't matter which, because both are important ideas....  we should remember that God is with us everywhere we are and that we can experience God's love everyday in our lives!!  The Bible tells us that we will find God when we seek with all our hearts!!  [Jeremiah 31:13]  What a wonderful promise....   

But what exactly does it mean to "seek God with all our hearts"?  Although many things could be said in answer to this question, I will let you think about and pray over this question for yourselves...  and if you are not yet seeking God, I encourage you to do this...  to seek God with all your heart!!  It's a safe bet that while there may be many things you might do in life that you might later regret, seeking God with all your heart will not be one of them!!

Saturday, July 4, 2009