Thursday, September 30, 2010

This is My Father's World

chill out... listen... enjoy... and praise God!!

[video link]

Be Ye Glad

"... while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."  Romans 5:8 [Bible]

Jesus "payed it forward"... just for you!!

[video link]

Monday, September 27, 2010

who knew math could be so yummy??!!

anyone need a little help with Algebra?   I thought this was a cool way to illustrate the order of operations for math problems...  and you probably thought math couldn't be any fun at all...

HT:  Miss Cellania of Neatorama with the post titled Order of Operations


... so, my phone rings this morning... waking me up...

"may I speak with David Cobb?"
"David Cobb doesn't live at this phone number."
"do you know him?"
"Can I leave a message for him?"
"I don't know him."
"oh... ok... good-bye."

...and I thought I was the one that was half asleep during that conversation...

... so... David Cobb... if you're out there... someone was trying to find you this morning!!

ok, bud...  I gave him a message for ya...